It's quiet — a little too quiet — on that there "Dark Knight Rises" front. With the film set for release in just four months (just four months!), it's starting to feel like we've heard the last official word from the Bat until he strikes in July.
So until a new trailer lands or a care package of set photos air-drops onto our doorstep, we'll have to content ourselves with little mini-updates from actors, writers, composers and others with at least peripheral involvement with the Caped Crusader.
Case in point: actor David Gyasi, who has a brief role to play in Batman's third and final outing under Christopher Nolan's expert direction, recently spoke with DIY (via Comic Book Movie) about working on "The Dark Knight Rises" under the very most secretive of terms.
"I can tell you a little bit about my experience," Gyasi said when asked about working on the Batman movie. "I didn't get a script, so basically I had the audition in my head. I arrived on set, and Christopher Nolan was giving me the lines I had to say. He would literally say, this is what just happened, and this is what you're reacting to. I know absolutely nothing! I know that sounds like a cop-out, but I was there, and I worked with Tom Conti and a little bit with Christian Bale, but I was there on a need to know basis. I'm hoping that I'm still in the film, as I'm a fan of the films, so I'll be watching with vested interest!"
I wish there was a clue in Gyasi's involvement with both Bale and Conti, but alas, Conti's role is also still under wraps. In other words, not a whole lot revealed. But hey, for what it's worth David, my fingers are crossed for your continued "Dark Knight Rises" presence on your behalf.
What do you think of the brief "DKR" update? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!