With the new Thriller Silent House coming out this month I'd like to share my Top 5 Thrillers…
by Josh Stiltner

5. Secret Window (2004)
This film in my opinion was simply brilliant and I would recommend it to anyone who loves being taken on a journey through their imagination. And Johnny Depp once again shines in his role and keeps the viewer engaged and interested.

4. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
"Silence Of The Lambs" has become a modern-day "classic" and rightfully so. It's an amazing film. Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins are just excellent from start to finish. If by some crazy chance you've never seen this movie, it is a must see, but be warned it is a dark, difficult story to watch at times but it is definitely worth the ride.

3. Mr. Brooks (2007)
I was really impressed with this film and it's lead Kevin Costner. Costner gives us an interesting view into the life of an upstanding family man that just happens to be a serial killer. And along with the rest of the awesome cast, like William Hurt and Demi Moore they really made this film surprisingly original with plenty of plot twists to keep you on alert.

2. American Psycho (2000)
This film deserves much more attention than it's got. Christian Bale was absolutely terrific in this, just crazy good. He was born to play horror characters, no doubt. You could just sense Bale's delight in playing a monster of this kind. It's just a insane yet very well done flick all around.

1. Se7en (1995)
This film was just insanely well done. From the direction to the cast, along with the look and feel of the movie, it was just amazingly well done. With director David Fincher's bleak, relentless, and ultimately terrifying approach to this crime thriller he really made sure that this film transcends other films of the genre hands down. Audiences truly experienced a rare treat with Se7en.
And make sure to check out my review of Silent House hitting theaters March 9th.
So what did you think of these films?…