[WATCH]: extras bonus 2/2 batman begins * KEYSI * | From: www ... Mar 5th 2012, 19:14   christian bale in batman begins EXTRA DVD BONUS 2/2 *KEYSI* behind scnes: the training 'Shaping mind and body' KFM is the fighting style which is primarily used by Christian Bale in Batman Begins, and will also be featured in The Dark Knight. Bale had this to say about the martial art: We've gone a bit further with Keysi (…). I'm actually learning how to do it more realistically than ever before, though it's such an extreme way of fighting; there are literally moves where you tear someone's cheek away from their face, or rip their nose off – every part of you becomes a weapon. It's formidable. Batman doesn't kill, so we can't have him doing that; we modify it. "We really wanted something that would look as though Bruce Wayne-as-Batman had created his own style of fighting, something that was unique in style and look," Christian Bale elaborates. "A big part of the Batman persona is the aggressive, animalistic way he attacks his enemies. I wanted to show how devastating he is when he charges forward and attacks people, and his resilience in taking blows as well." "The Keysi Fighting Method is a very intuitive kind of martial art, but also very, very brutal," Bale relates. "It's all about going for the break straightaway. It's quite instinctive and it adapts to many different situations. So it truly looks as though this is Batman's own style that he's come up with." "Christian is an excellent student," Forman attests. "We were very surprised at how quickly he absorbed the … This entry was posted in www.bushido.ws and tagged artes, arts, bale, behind, bonus, callejeras, christian, documental, dvd, extras, Film, keysi, marciales, martial, neeson, peleas, scenes. Bookmark the permalink. | |