Friday, December 12, 2014

December 11, 2014 | The The Daily Colbert Show Report Report

The Daily Show

Personally I don’t find Prince William especially fun to look at.

I thought Elsa was the queen and the other one was a princess.

I wonder if they went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and pretended they owned the place.

They should hang out with Idris Elba.

Prince William speaks like a Shakespeare character, apparently. I guess this fits with the complaint that monarchy is antiquated.

Heh, severance pun.

Mick Foley, deceiver of children. Oh, he gained some weight.

Why did he bother dyeing his beard?

Wait, did he say homophobia? Jon Stewart was talking about something else over that but I want to know more about it.

The Colbert Report

Now that his show is ending you’d think the audience would be even more enthusiastic, except that’s not possible.

Which city is Sin City?

My favorite cocktail is the Mazel Tov cocktail.

I don’t have to read the Bible because I listen to The Residents.

Christian Bale is Scooby-Doo?

Oh no, there’s a snake in the audience.

Such-and-suchistan is Yemen.

Huh, they ended the Afghanistan thingy? I’m surprised I didn’t know that.

I hope whoever wins that raffle has lots of room in their house.

I wish I didn’t know who the guest was.

Oh no, he’s ruining the set! Now they’ll have to build a new one!

Is Smaug calling the ladies of The View fat?

I wonder how long it took to animate this interview, and how expensive it was.

Well, now I know how many people it took.

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