Monday, April 20, 2015

#Update #Films Watch all the trailers! | Aral Kizilkaya


Since it’s been forever since I have posted, here’s all the internet lately and my sincere opinions of them. (Sincere: we bought a customized lightsaber on my birthday after careful examination and I am still only out of meh -level of excitement for the new Star Wars film.) Also while I am in somewhat negative tone for all the trailers below (except Mad Max and that damn awesome Avengers clip) they all are obvious FIRST DAY- FIRST IN THE LINE viewings for me, bitter cynical tone is a side effect of growing up I guess.

Number 8 – Terminator Genisys

I remember watching Terminator Salvation twice back in 2009 (because I was a little bit intoxicated at first time, also Christian Bale.) Not really exciting even with the plot twist (spoiled in the trailer above) actually looks really risky and daring.  Poor franchise. Can James Cameron get the rights back at some point?

Number 7 – Fantastic Four

Chronicle was the most surprisingly accomplished comic book film of the 2012 in competition with Batman, Avengers, Spider-Man and Ghost Rider (lol) despite its indie, hipster extravaganza while not being an actual comic book adaptation.  For this reason only, I am giving Fantastic Four more change than it actually deserve. First trailer was really looking like Inception sequel and this one feels kind of odd, but Kate Mara is gorgeous, I love the Whiplash dude and yeah.. Let’s see if this is going to suck or not.

Number  6 – Ant Man

Not that there is anything wrong with it but this one looks a little bit generic, silly but fun action flick. Even the trailer is looking like every superhero cliche ever is crammed into one film but we are talking about Ant-Man in a world we never saw comic-book accurate Aquaman. (and will not for the next six to ten years)

Number  5 – Jurassic World

I really want to like this. Call it nostalgia (when I saw the trailer on screen with my friends none of them were amused or excited) or my early fascination with dinosaurs like every other normal seven year old kid, somehow I want this not to be a total disaster. Also, I do not want to see people get bored from Chris Pratt this quickly. (You may want to burn Jennifer Lawrance on a stick and I am totally okay with that)

Number 4 – Star Wars: The Force Awakens

A few years ago, we made it through a six film Star Wars marathon in numbers order. By the time film six, we were feeling we had enough Star Wars for a life time. Now we are going to get yearly Star Wars releases and the first big one really does not do the trick for me. I am more excited for Rian Johnson’s (Looper, anyone?) Episode VIII.

Number 3 – Avengers: Age of Ultron clip

This looks awesome. Only ten days left.

Number 2 – Mad Max: Fury Road

Whenever I get the chance I praise how I love post-apocalyptic stuff  or Fallout games. This is the granddaddy of everything post-apocalypse. The trailer looks perfect. Tom Hardy is a great choice. George Miller’s vision is finally on screen without EVERYTHING CGI. For 2015, this is my most anticipated film.

Number 1 – Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Shut up. It’s Batman. I know how depressing is the trailer. I know we, DC is trying to separate our films from Marvel by doing them dark dark dark brooding brooding brooding and SAD. It’s the greatest comic book accurate Batman we ever going to see. Justice League is coming. Tell me, do you bleed?


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