Thursday, August 20, 2015

Christian Bale Will Play Enzo Ferrari For Michael Mann

With the news that Michael Mann was preparing a biopic of Italian car legend Enzo Ferrari, Christian Bale stood in front of his mirror and yelled to no one in particular, “That’s-a-me!” So, yeah, he’ll be playing Enzo Ferrari in a yet-untitled biopic, according to Deadline.

The movie will take place in 1957, after Ferrari started making cars, but right as they were establishing themselves as a racing brand as well. That year, a race car driver blew out a tire, killing 11 (including the driver) and leading to Enzo being charged for manslaughter. Sounds pretty cool, right?

In addition to that high drama, I’m sure we’ll get an industrial soundtrack as is part and parcel with Mann films, and we’ll see Christian Bale drink tiny cups of coffee. It’s going to be terrific.


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