Friday, August 14, 2015 | New Batman: Arkham Knight Video Shows 1989 ...

Batman Arkham Knight

We learned a little ways back that one of the pieces of DLC that is coming for Batman: Arkham Knight is the addition of the batmobile, circa 1989. Now there’s a new video out that is actually showing this retro roadster in action. The video was postedas part of the Arkham Insider series and it features a couple of Rocksteady developers specifically talking about how they came up this digitized version of the vehicle that was featured in Tim Burton’s original film.

As you can see, this 1989 version of the batmobile is longer and narrower than the one featured in the game. The batmobile of Arkham Knight is built to be more of a tank and more closely mirrors the version seen in the movies starring Christian Bale. The Tim Burton version was built to be more of a very fast car and that in itself was more closely mirrored the Dark Knight’s ride way back when he was first introduced to the viewing public in the 1960’s.

Because the 1989 version of the vehicle is more of a speedster, and is lighter in frame, it actually handles better than what Arkham Knight players are used to. The developers have also built specific tracks just for the DLC. As an added bonus, the Rocksteady team doesn’t only discuss the new (or old) look batmobile but they also give a little more insight into the upcoming Robin AR challenge map. The DLC with the 1989 version of the the batmobile will be available to Batman: Arkham Knight season pass holders starting next week.

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Author: pan


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