Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chinese human rights activist Chen arrives in U.S. : YOU GO USA

The Story
Chinese human rights activist Chen arrives in U.S. : YOU GO USA
May 21st 2012, 02:09

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(CNN) — Chinese tellurian rights romantic Chen Guangcheng arrived Saturday dusk in a United States, bringing an finish to a tactful firestorm that erupted after he transient from residence detain and took to YouTube to protest about abuse he pronounced his family suffered during a hands of authorities.

United Airlines Flight 88 landed during New York/Newark Liberty International Airport to small pushing after a U.S. State Department taboo open and media access. Traveling with Chen were his mother and dual children.

Less than dual hours later, Chen, 40, spoke from New York University, where he will attend in a fellowship.

"I am really beholden to a assistance of a American Embassy and a guarantee of a Chinese supervision for insurance of my rights as a citizen over a prolonged term," Chen pronounced to a host of reporters and onlookers. "I am really appreciative to see a Chinese supervision has been traffic with a conditions with patience and calm."

The romantic indicated by a translator that a U.S. supervision postulated him prejudiced citizenship rights. He asked people to work with him to "promote probity and integrity in China." And Chen pronounced he was looking brazen to improving in "body and spirit."

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Reporters roving with him were denied entrance to Chen for most of a 13-hour moody from Beijing until he concluded to speak to one member of a media.

Chen voiced churned feelings about nearing in a United States, observant he has unprepared business during home, according to CNN's Steven Jiang, who was on residence a flight.

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Chinese-speaking diplomats from a U.S. Embassy in Beijing trafficked with a family, according to dual comparison State Department officials.

Chen had conjunction pass nor visa in palm when he was abruptly shuttled to a Beijing airfield for a flight. At a airport, Chen waited with his mother and dual children in a secure location. He was in a wheelchair, dim eyeglasses over his eyes — Chen is blind.

Chen had been in a Chinese sanatorium for a past few weeks, available a papers to transport to a United States.

The educated authorised romantic hurt Chinese officials with his quarrel opposite purported forced abortions underneath China's one-child policy.

Chen spent 4 years in prison, and was afterwards hold underneath consistent lockdown in his village.

In his Apr video after his escape, Chen addressed a Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, detailing purported abuses during a family's 18 months of heavily rhythmical apprehension during home.

"They pennyless into my residence and some-more than a dozen group assaulted my wife," he said. "They pinned her down and wrapped her in a comforter, violence and kicking her for hours. They also likewise vigourously assaulted me."

On Saturday, Chen pronounced he was assured officials will control a consummate review of a abuse and diagnosis toward him.

"I don't trust a executive supervision will distortion to me," he said.

Journalists and supporters were prevented from visiting Chen during his residence arrest. One of those supporters is Hollywood actor Christian Bale, who was roughed adult by confidence guards while attempting a revisit in December. Chen indicated Saturday he would like to accommodate Bale.

Bale, in an e-mail Saturday to CNN, said, "Please shake Chen's hand, and give him and his family a cuddle from me on their attainment in a U.S. They contingency be impressed with service during being together, and finally, safe; yet also disturbed about their family who sojourn in Shandong. we would adore to accommodate with Chen when he has a time."

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Bob Fu, boss of ChinaAid, a Texas-based Christian tellurian rights classification that has been campaigning for Chen's freedom, pronounced a romantic was deeply beholden to a general community's efforts to secure his leisure — efforts that tested U.S. family with a Communist giant.

Chen spent 6 days in a U.S. Embassy after he transient residence detain forward of a revisit to Beijing by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The pierce murderous Chinese authorities.

The one thing Chen could not leave behind was fear of reprisals for a rest of his extended family during a hands of a authorities in Shandong Province in eastern China.

"My elder hermit was taken divided by these thugs yet any logic and afterwards they came behind and started violence adult my nephew, and they used stakes and vigourously kick him up," Chen told a House Foreign Affairs Committee in a write call from his sanatorium room progressing this week.

Chen combined that his relatives' homes had been damaged into and they had been beaten by people operative for a government.

Chen pronounced his nephew Chen Kegui attempted to urge himself and now faces a "totally trumped-up" assign of attempted homicide. "After my nephew was beaten up, he indeed was watchful to obey himself and a military come behind again and vigourously kick adult my sister-in-law," Chen said.

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The authorities in Linyi, a city that oversees Chen's village, had released a matter accusing Chen Kegui of injuring supervision officials with a blade and observant he would be dealt with according to a law. They have declined to criticism on a matter since.

ChinaAid urged a general village to continue to guard a conditions for Chen's extended family in China, amid concerns over probable reprisals by a authorities.

Amnesty International echoed that concern.

"Chen's tour to a United States would not have been probable yet his possess intrepid character, a bold support of his family and friends and a strong voice of a general village that never stopped operative on his behalf," pronounced Frank Jannuzi, conduct of Amnesty International's Washington office.

"But while Chen and his evident family are safe, Amnesty International continues to be endangered about those in China who share his query for justice, for they sojourn in critical jeopardy," he said. "Countless people, famous and unknown, are theme to capricious detention, beatings and other forms of repression.

For Chen, whose shun from authorities in Shandong played out like a Hollywood thriller — a persecuted blind male who climbed over a high wall and hid in a pig dump — Saturday's remarkable tour over an sea and a continent was maybe a wise section in his story.

Sunday morning, Chen will start a new life in America, ease and unaffected as always.

New York University law highbrow Jerome Cohen initial met Chen when a romantic trafficked to a United States as partial of a State Department module in 2004.

"You got a feeling we were in a participation of some Chinese homogeneous of Gandhi or something," Cohen said. "He had this peaceful yet steely dignified force."

Chen never sought out to be a rabble-rouser, Cohen said, yet he will always be suspicion of as one.

CNN's Steven Jiang contributed to this report.

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